Collision with Andromeda cycle

Linocuts, 30 pcs; matrix format 10×10 cm, hahnemühle paper 350g, 25×25 cm, 2013-2021
130 EUR / 4500 THB / 560 ZŁ

This series are the result of a quest for harmony. I strive to maintain a balance between the intensity of planes, points, and lines. Creating linocuts serves as a break from graphic design, which often has to either sing or scream, and certainly must be understood. Here, I need nothing; my works are silent. In them, I synthesize my observations, reflections, and emotions.

In 2021, I printed all edition of 5, unifying the paper and its format. I also designed a briefcase that holds the entire series and is also a linocut.

Zderzenie z andromeda linoryty Bartosz Cebula Collision with Andromeda cycle linocut printmaking
Zderzenie z andromeda linoryty Bartosz Cebula Collision with Andromeda cycle linocut printmaking
This collection is also available as NFT