Andromedydy linoryt Bartosz Cebula printmaking linocut


Linocuts, one part paper size 70×70 cm, 2014-

The idea was to create a „mother matrix” – from which I get a depth of gray consisting of thousands of lines and points. It gives me a lot of possibilities. Using such a matrix, I create various combinations and stories. I add colors or elements from other matrices, in some projects I combine them to create large format compositions.

Andromedas are meteors from the Andromeda galaxy – different creations but coming from one source.

Some of the linocuts from this series are in the collection of the China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen

Andromedydy linoryt Bartosz Cebula printmaking linocut
Andromedydy linoryt Bartosz Cebula printmaking linocut


Bartosz Cebula andromeda gif
Bartosz Cebula andromeda gif
Bartosz Cebula andromeda gif